Abcam 一級抗體秋季特惠 - Abcam 台灣代理伯森生技

Abcam 一級抗體秋季特惠

Abcam 一級抗體 - Abcam 台灣代理伯森生技好消息~ 即日起至2022年11月29日前,Abcam 一級抗體買就送優質 IHC/WB 實驗試劑好禮,或享明星商品壹千元加購優惠!活動贈品與加購品項請見下方列表,詳情請洽 Abcam 台灣代理伯森生技

🎁 IHC/WB 試劑贈品區(任選一)

Application Cat. No. Product Pack Size
IHC ab104135 Anti-Fade Fluorescence Mounting Medium - Aqueous, Fluoroshield 20 ml
ab104139 Mounting Medium With DAPI - Aqueous, Fluoroshield 20 ml
ab128982 Aqueous Mounting Medium 6 ml
ab104141 Limonene Mounting Medium 30 ml
ab64212 Endogenous Avidin/Biotin Blocking Kit 15 ml
ab64218 Hydrogen Peroxide Blocking Reagent 60 ml
ab128987 Tween 20 (Polyoxyethelenesorbitan Monolaurate) 125 ml
WB ab156035 Native lysis Buffer 15 ml
ab270042 Ponceau S Solution 1000 ml
ab133411 Low Fluorescence PVDF Membrane, 7x9cm 10 sheets
ab133412 Nitrocellulose Transfer Membrane - 0.45µm, 7x9cm 10 sheets
ab133413 Nitrocellulose Transfer Membrane - 0.22µm, 7x9cm 10 sheets
ab126587 10X Blocking Buffer 50 ml
ab156034 10X RIPA Buffer 15 ml
ab270701 BSA protein standards 10 unit
ab270055 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail EDTA Free 3 ml
ab271306 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail 3 ml


💵 壹千元超值加購區(任選一)

Application Cat. No. Product Pack Size
IHC ab64220 Proteinase K Antigen Retrieval Solution 4 ml
ab64238 DAB Substrate Kit 60 ml
ab245880 H&E Staining Kit (Hematoxylin and Eosin) 1 kit
ab176915 StayBlue/AP Plus 30 ml
ab179917 StayBlack/HRP 30 ml
ab288086 Ready-to-use IHC Kit 50 tests
WB ab116027 Prism Ultra Protein Ladder (10-180 kDa) 500 µl
ab116028 Prism Ultra Protein Ladder (10-245 kDa) 500 µl
WB (IP) ab131366 VeriBlot for IP Detection Reagent (HRP) 500 µl

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伯森生物科技(股)公司 Blossom Biotechnologies, Inc.
網址 客服 0800-059668
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