敬邀參加 PacBio 2021 全球用戶成果分享線上研討會

敬邀參加 PacBio 2021

🔊 亞太區議程與講員特寫



在世界各地,高準確度的長讀取定序技術 (long-read sequencing) —— PacBio HiFi 定序正不斷地為人類生物醫學、動植物科學、微生物與傳染病等多種研究領域帶來新的發現。本活動很榮幸邀請到多位頂尖基因體專家親自分享他們採用 HiFi 定序技術所獲得的最新研究成果,應用範圍涵蓋:全基因體定序 (whole genome sequencing, WGS) 與從頭組裝 (de novo assembly)、基因序列變異檢測、RNA 全長定序與轉錄體 (transcriptome) 分析等等。

活動過程中,您不僅可以在每個專題演講的 Q&A 環節提出疑問,更可以在本活動特別安排設計的「詢問專家 (Ask the Experts)」時段針對樣本製備總體基因體學 (Metagenomics)COVID 定序單細胞 RNA 全長定序等主題與該領域專家和同儕們深入交流討論。更棒的是,完成線上報名後,您將可以立即與全球數百位基因體研究學者們進行線上交流,機會難得誠摯邀請您一同參與此盛會。以下為您特別介紹亞太區議程的重點主題與講員,您也可以透過議程頁面了解所有演講主題與完整議程安排。


Asia Pacific Keynote

台北時間 | 2021年11月9日 (二) | 9:30 AM - 9:55 AM

Full-length Transcriptome Analysis of Breast Cancer with Iso-Seq

Dr. Masahito Kawazu
Researcher, National Cancer Center Research Institute

Plant & Animal Sciences

台北時間 | 2021年11月9日 (二) | 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Contribution of Hifi reads to the de novo assembly of plant genomes and future challenges

Dr. Sachiko Isobe
Laboratory Head, Plant Genomics & Genetics, Kazusa DNA Research Institute

Unravelling the mysteries of sex determination in reptiles using HiFi sequencing

Dr. Ira Daveson
Head, Genomic Technologies Group, Kinghorn Centre for Clinical Genomics, Garvan Institute of Medical Research

Applying advances in long read sequencing to the assembly of chromosome level plant genomes

Prof. Robert Henry
Professor of Innovation in Agriculture, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation, The University of Queensland

Human Genetics

台北時間 | 2021年11月9日 (二) | 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Long-read sequencing and de novo assembling analysis of Asian Genomes

Prof. Jianjun Liu
Deputy Executive Director, GIS. Professor at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Genome Institute of Singapore

Long-read Sequencing Technology for the discovery of new disease genes: Succeeded and struggling from a real experience

Prof. Vorasuk Shotelersuk
Professor of Pediatrics, Associate Dean For Research Affairs, Director of the Excellence Center for Medical Genomics, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University

Single-Cell Omics Sequencing Technology: The Third Generation

Prof. Fuchou Tang
Professor, Associate Director, BIOPIC, School of Life Sciences, Peking University

Infectious Disease & Microbiology

台北時間 | 2021年11月9日 (二) | 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Understanding pathogens and diseases by genome sequencing empowered by HiFi long-read technology

Dr. Jade Mei-Yeh Lu
Research Specialist, Sr. Manager of High Throughput Genomics Core, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica

Improving a resolution of fungal diversity using PacBio long-read amplicon sequencing

Dr. Seung-Yoon Oh
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Changwon National University

Characterization of HBV integration patterns with HiFi long reads

Prof. Kai Ye
Professor, Omics and Omics Informatics, Xi'an Jiaotong University


2021年11月9日(二) 9:00 AM - 2021年11月10日(三) 7:00 AM(完整議程 | 亞太區議程


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