客製化服務Morpholino 反義核酸合成服務 (Custom Morpholino Antisense Oligo Synthesis)

Morpholino 反義核酸合成服務

過去在使用反義 (antisense) 抑制實驗來探討基因功能時,常因為反義核酸的不穩定、專一性差或效率低等問題,而造成實驗的限制。美國 Gene Tools 公司獨家推出的「Morpholino Oligo」將可解決這些困擾研究人員已久的缺陷,讓您的實驗更加簡便而精確。歡迎與我們聯繫索取服務詳情。

關於 Morpholino

Morpholino oligo 是將 6 碳環之 Morpholine 接上鹼基後,以非離子性的 phosphorodiamidate 連接而成(如下圖所示)。相較於過去在反義抑制實驗中常用的 Phosphorothioate 及 PNA,Morpholino 能有更好之效率及專一性、較簡便的使用方式,而較為便宜。

Morpholino 反義核酸 (Morpholino Antisense Oligo)

Morpholino Oligos 特點

Morpholino 與 siRNA 比較表

  Morpholino siRNA
Allows you to modify splicing
Effective & specific in embryos  
Free of off-target effects  
Free of interferon effects  
Typical first-try targeting success  
Functions in both cytosol & nucleus  
Complete stability & long-term efficacy  
Well understood mechanism  

如何挑選 Morpholino Antisense Oligos 的作用區域

Morpholino Antisense Oligo 的運送

在細胞實驗方面可藉由電穿孔 (electrophoration) 或使用 Gene Tools 公司所開發的專利「Endo-Porter」試劑將 Morpholino oligo 送入細胞中作用;貼附型細胞還可簡單利用刮細胞的方式將 Morpholino oligo 送入細胞中,歡迎與我們聯繫索取詳細實驗流程。

Endo-Porter is a weak-base amphiphilic peptide that was designed to deliver Morpholino oligos, peptides or proteins into the cytosol of cultured cells by an endocytosis-mediated process. The mechanism of delivery entails rapid adsorption of Endo-Porter to cell surfaces, but this adsorption to the cell surface does not damage the plasma membrane. The membrane-bound Endo-Porter is rapidly endocytosed, along with Morpholinos in the medium. Natural acidification of the endosome protonates Endo-Porter that, in its ionic form, permeabilizes the endosome and releases the endosome contents into the cyotosol.

在動物實驗方面 Gene Tools 公司最新研發的「Vivo-Morpholinos」是在一般 Morpholino oligo 序列 3' 端連結了由八個 Arginine 胺基酸結構中的帶正電基團 "Guanidium Group" 所組成的支鏈,此支鏈可協助 Morpholino oligo 以內吞作用 (endocytosis) 進入動物細胞中。目前已有多個小鼠及狗的成功案例顯示,藉由簡單的靜脈或腹腔注射方式即可讓 Vivo-Morpholinos 於動物體內發揮有效作用,且數據顯示 Vivo-Morpholinos 毒性極低非常適合動物實驗使用。歡迎與我們聯繫索取詳細產品使用方式。

(A) Morpholino oligo is a non-charged antisense oligonucelotide agent in which the ribose sugar is replaced by a six-membered morpholino ring and the phosphodiester bond is replaced by a phosphoroamidate linkage. (B) Vivo-Morpholinos are Morpholino oligos coupled with eight guanidinium head groups on dendrimer scaffolds that enable Morpholino applications in adult animals.