產品介紹蛋白質體學研究Western Blot 實驗工具Bradford 蛋白質定量試劑 (Bradford Reagent)

Bradford 蛋白質定量試劑

由 Expedeon (part of Abcam) 所開發的高效蛋白質定量試劑「Bradford Reagent (ab119216)」具有專利改良配方,定量結果更準確,不易受到樣本中 Detergent 的影響*。偵測範圍為 0.1–1.5 mg/ml (高含量定量) 或 1–25 µg/ml (微量定量)。 *高含量定量流程可耐受 1% Detergent;微量定量流程可耐受 0.1% Detergent。

Abcam Bradford Reagent is not affected by the detergents compared to leading competitor "Coomassie Protein Assay" which are subject to the high background noise at 595 nm in the presence of detergents.


Product Name Pack Size Cat. No.
Bradford Reagent 500 ml ab119216
BSA protein standards 10 units (10 x 1ml at 2 mg/ml) ab270701