Chromium 單細胞免疫分析實驗抗體標定最佳選擇

Chromium 單細胞免疫分析實驗抗體標定最佳選擇

Lightning-Link® 是由 Expedeon (part of Abcam) 所開發的專利抗體標定技術。【5' Feature Barcode Antibody Conjugation Kit - Lightning-Link® - Oligos】系列產品可協助科研人員以高效簡易的方式將帶有條碼辨識功能的 Oligonucleotide 結合於細胞表面抗原的專一性抗體上。搭配 10x Genomics 公司所開發的 Chromium Controller 系統與相關試劑,可進行單細胞免疫分析實驗 (Chromium Single Cell Immune Profiling)

  • 每款標定試劑盒皆包含有 10 種不同的 Oligonucleotide barcodes,每種 barcode 可用來標定 10 µg 抗體。
  • 每款標定試劑盒皆隨附 Clean-up 試劑,可用來移除未標定上的游離 Oligo 分子。

Antibody conjugate and oligonucleotide barcode format for Chromium Single Cell Immune Profiling from 10x Genomics. X represents the nucleotides of the unique barcode. N represents a randomly selected A, C, G, or T. The symbol * indicates a phosphorothioated bond, this modification renders the internucleotide linkage resistant to nuclease degradation.

Cell surface protein analysis using 10 antibody conjugates generated with 5’ Feature Barcode Antibody Conjugation Kit - Lightning-Link® on 10x Chromium Controller. tSNE projections of ~5,000 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) output by Cell Ranger PBMCs were grouped by cell surface protein expression profiles from 10 antibody conjugates for cell surface protein markers generated with 5’ Feature Barcode Antibody Conjugation Kit - Lightning-Link®.

完整產品資訊與最新活動訊息,歡迎洽詢 Abcam 台灣代理 — 伯森生技。

Product Cat. No.
5' Feature Barcode Antibody Conjugation Kit - Lightning-Link® - Oligos 1-10 ab270703
5' Feature Barcode Antibody Conjugation Kit - Lightning-Link® - Oligos 11-20 ab270705
5' Feature Barcode Antibody Conjugation Kit - Lightning-Link® - Oligos 21-30 ab270709
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