血管新生實驗工具 - 伯森生技 Angiogenesis Assay Tools
µ-Slide Angiogenesis —— 由德國 ibidi 公司專利設計的【µ-Slide Angiogenesis】除了可大幅減少每次血管新生實驗所需的細胞、膠體、以及藥物用量之外,其特殊的 "well-in-well" 設計更可提供完美的影像品質!同時提供【µ-Plate Angiogenesis 96 well】具備有 µ-Slide Angiogenesis 的一切特質與優點,應用於高通量 (high throughput) 實驗更划算便利!
µ-Slide Angiogenesis 應用實驗:Tube formation assays / Sprouting assays / 3D cell culture / Immunofluorescence staining。 訂購資訊:µ-Slide Angiogenesis, ibiTreat (IB-81506) | µ-Plate Angiogenesis 96 Well, ibiTreat (IB-89646)
HUVEC —— 由美國初代細胞 (primary cell) 專業供應商 ScienCell 所出品的 HUVEC 細胞,不僅於出廠前經過詳細的細胞形態與微生物含量安全性確認,也實際以免疫螢光染色實驗證實細胞表現有 vWF/Factor VIII 與 CD31 (P-CAM) 蛋白,並具有攝取 DiI-Ac-LDL 的能力。選擇 ScienCell 初代細胞產品,讓您輕鬆克服檢體取得不易的難題,更不用擔心分離純化效率不佳或細胞品質不穩定,讓您可以馬上開始進行實驗! [圖示:HUVEC, Phase contrast, 100x] [圖示:HUVEC, IF for Factor VIII, 200x]
訂購資訊:Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVEC), 1 ml (> 5 x 10^5 cells) (SC-8000) | Endothelial Cell Medium (ECM), 500 ml (SC-1001)
Angiogenesis Assay Kit (In Vitro) —— 可於 18 小時內量測內皮細胞形成 3D 類血管架構的能力。 [圖示:HUVEC morphogenesis on Extracellular Matrix Gel. Cells (2 × 10^4) were plated per 1 cm^2 well precoated with Extracellular Matrix Gel and grown for 18 hours.]  訂購資訊:Angiogenesis Assay Kit (In Vitro), 50 tests (ab204726)
Human Angiogenesis Antibody Array —— 以 Nitrocellulose 膜作為平台,一次實驗即可同時偵測樣本中 20~43 種 angiogenesis factors ,有效節省寶貴樣本、經費與時間。並以酵素冷光顯影、Western Blot 偵測系統進行訊號偵測,使用便利,無須特殊設備。 訂購資訊:Human Angiogenesis Antibody Array - Membrane (20 Targets) (ab134000) | Human Angiogenesis Antibody Array - Membrane (23 Targets) (ab169808) | Human Angiogenesis Antibody Array - Membrane (43 Targets) (ab193655)
Angiogenesis Inhibitors —— BAPB (4,4'-Bis(4-aminophenoxy)biphenyl), Flk-1 (VEGFR2) and Tie-2 inhibitor (ab145572) | Bexarotene, RXR agonist (ab141025) | Difluoromethylornithine, ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor (ab142422) | Dovitinib, class III-V receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (ab216312) | Genipin, Cell-permeable uncoupling protein 2 inhibitor (ab141049) | Nintedanib, triple angiokinase inhibitor (ab229183) [圖示:點擊瀏覽更多 abcam 血管新生研究工具]
Angiogenesis Inhibitors —— NVP-BHG712, EphB4 kinase inhibitor (ab145175) | PF-8380, Autotaxin inhibitor (ab235548) | PPACK dihydrochloride, Thrombin inhibitor (ab141451) | Thiolutin, antibiotic agent (ab143556) | Tie2 kinase inhibitor, ATP-binding site-targeting Tie2 kinase inhibitor. Cell-permeable. (ab141270) | γ–Secretase Inhibitor I (ab145891)
Tube Formation Image Analysis Platform —— 將實驗結果相片上傳雲端進行分析,不需額外購買儀器或軟體,不需員工教育訓練。分析參數包含血管長度、血管分支點、與其它可判斷網狀結構複雜度的參數。訂購請洽伯森業務專員。
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