抗體 —— Anti-SOX2 antibody (ab97959), Anti-Oct4 antibody [EPR17929] - ChIP Grade (ab181557) | 抗體組合 —— Mouse Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Marker Panel (CD44, CD90, Sca-1, CD45 and CD29) (ab93759)。全新目錄:Stem Cell Markers 產品目錄
抗體組合 —— Human Embryonic Stem Cell Marker Panel (Oct4, Nanog, Tra-1-60, SOX2 and SSEA4) (ab109884) | 重組蛋白 —— Recombinant human Oct4 protein (ab169842), Recombinant human SOX2 protein (ab169843)。全新目錄:多功能幹細胞研究工具
試劑盒 —— Human Oct4 ELISA Kit (ab235653), Human P63 ELISA Kit (ab234564), Human CD105 ELISA Kit (ab217773)。幹細胞研究產品專區:https://www.abcam/com/stemcells
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