敬邀參加 ibidi 免費線上演講 — In vitro Monitoring of the Intrinsic Motility Behaviors of Human Lymphocytes
【內容摘要】參加本場次線上演講後,您將會瞭解:●淋巴球移動(lymphocyte motility)受到哪些因素調控 ●如何將淋巴球趨化試驗(chemotaxis)與活細胞顯微系統結合 ●淋巴球移動試驗的實驗設計與資料分析方法
【講員介紹】Loïc Dupré, PhD [Centre de Physiopathologie de Toulouse Purpan (CPTP), INSERM UMR1043, Toulouse Purpan University Hospital, Toulouse, France]. Loïc Dupré received his PhD in Immunology at the Pasteur Institute of Lille, France. His research group established at INSERM, Toulouse, France, focuses on lymphocyte biology in the context of primary immunodeficiencies and leukemia. In particular, it explores lymphocyte motility and function via quantitative microscopy approaches spanning the nanoscale, the cellular scale, and the cell population scale.
活動時間:台灣時間2017年11月29日(三) 下午5點
報名資訊:本活動完全免費,採線上報名方式,請前往活動網頁線上填寫報名表。活動網頁:https://www.ibidi.com/ibidi_db/db_webinars/webinar_Chemotaxis_20171129_10am.php *本活動全程採用英文進行
主辦單位:ibidi GmbH